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Writer's pictureStacey Paige

TRANSCRIPT: Five Minute Fix Bite-sized Guided Meditations with Stacey Paige - Episode #14: Amplify the good in your life through gratitude

Have you ever looked back on situations and realized you didn't really appreciate what you had until it was gone? Maybe it was a time of good health, relationships with loved ones now departed, or cherished moments in a past stage of life. If you can relate, you're not alone. It seems all too common to overlook the value of what we have while we have it, only to recognize it's significance in hindsight - and if you're anything like me, feel a deep sense of regret and longing to be able to go back to those times with what you now know. But what if we could change this pattern - how different your life would be if you spent more time appreciating what you have right now? This simple shift if perspective, choosing gratitude in the present, can profoundly transform your life. Not only are you enhancing your current experience, you're also attracting more positive experiences. It's one of the energetic principles of the Universe.

Click for more on amplifying the good in your life through gratitude: Let's connect! Email me your questions and comments at Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube @staceypaigeinspired Free 15 minute guided meditation ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Free training to heal self-limiting beliefs ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please rate, subscribe and review (it really helps!)

“Hi, I'm Stacey Paige, welcome to the Five Minute Fix podcast, weekly meditations to soothe, heal, and inspire.

Imagine how different your life would be if you were truly grateful for what you had. If you're anything like me, there's times right now that you look back on and realize you didn't really appreciate them at that moment. You can choose now to not let that happen in the future and instead be really present to your life.

And the other thing, when you're in the space of gratitude, you're tuned into the frequency of source energy and the manifestations of your desires will be amplified. But too often we make the mistake of surface-level gratitude. We mentally acknowledge what we're thankful for, which doesn't tap into the power of this practice.

To truly experience the power of this practice, gratitude needs to be embodied. Let's move into meditation and explore.

Come into a comfortable seated position with your spine nice and tall. Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath in.

Centering your awareness in the present moment.

Continue to focus on your breath.

Notice its rhythm as it flows in and out of your body.

Now, inhale through your nose.

Hold your breath. Exhale softly through your mouth.

Inhale through your nose.

Hold. Exhale through your mouth.

Do that a few more times. With each breath, feeling your body relax deeper and deeper.

Feel your forehead soft and smooth. Your jaw releases. Your tongue relaxing in the middle of your mouth.

Do a body scan. If you're still holding on to any tension or tightness, invite those spaces to relax.

Bring to mind one thing you are grateful for. It could be a person, a place, an experience. Don't overthink.

Whatever comes to mind is perfect.

Imagine yourself engaging with this person or experience as if it were happening right now.

Immerse yourself in these feelings. As you breathe in, draw this feeling into your heart.

As you breathe out, let it flow into every part of your body.

Inhale the feeling into your heart.

Exhale, send it to your bones, your muscles. Inhale the feeling into your heart. Exhale, send it to your internal organs, your skin.

Silently repeat the following affirmation. I am expressing gratitude

“Silently repeat the following affirmation. I am expressing gratitude through my body, mind, and spirit.

Let I am expressing gratitude through my body, mind, and spirit, aligning me with my good. I am expressing gratitude through my body, mind, and spirit, aligning me with my good.

Begin to make your way back, deepening your breath, stretching through your fingers and your toes, your hands and your feet.

When you're ready, slowly open your eyes.

Thank you for joining me in this meditation. Be sure to subscribe for more. Namaste.”

From Five Minute Fix: Meditation with Stacey Paige: #014: Amplify the good in your life through gratitude, Jun 14, 2024

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