The flow of a river is like the flow of life. When we resist, we get get battered, banged and bruised through the struggle. When we relax into it, we are propelled forward with guidance and support. Let this meditation support you in ease and flow with the natural current of life. Let's connect! Email me your questions and comments at Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube @staceypaigeinspired Free 15 minute guided meditation Free training to heal self-limiting beliefs Please rate, subscribe and review (it really helps!)
“Hi, I'm Stacey Paige, welcome to the Five Minute Fix podcast, weekly meditations to soothe, heal, and inspire.
There is a natural rhythm of life, an energy, a power, an intelligence that is at the heart of everything, everywhere. This power is what we are connected to, and what we can absolutely count on for the manifestations we want to experience in our life. We have a tendency of getting in our own way, and restricting this energy of infinite potential and possibility.
This meditation is intended to support you to lean in and move with this flow. Let's begin by finding a comfortable position. You can be seated, or for this one, you may even want to lie down.
Close your eyes, breathe in, exhale. Now, let's inhale for one, two, three, four, exhale for three, two, one. One, two, three, four, exhale for three, two, one.
Inhale one, two, three, four, exhale for three, two, one. Inhale one, two, three, four, exhale for three, two, one. Continue for a moment, breathing in this way, on a four count.
Each time you breathe out, feel yourself relax deeper and deeper.
Your forehead is soft and smooth.
Your jaw is released.
Your tongue is relaxing in the middle of your mouth, feeling your entire body soft and at ease. Imagine yourself at the edge of a beautiful, serene river. This is no ordinary river, it's a lazy river, meandering gently through a lush, vibrant landscape on an absolutely lovely day.
The water is clear, calm, and inviting.
You reach down to feel the water, and the temperature is perfect.
Now visualize in front of you a plush, comfortable, inflatable raft.
Imagine yourself getting easily on the raft and settling in. Relaxing completely into its plushness.
Feeling the gentle support of the river beneath you, knowing you are safe and protected. As you start to float along the lazy river, feel the gentle current guiding you forward. There is no need to paddle or steer, the river knows the way.
Relax to the flow, allowing yourself to be carried effortlessly.
Know that in this moment, you are exactly where you need to be.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
I trust in the natural current that guides and supports me.
The current begins to bring you slowly back to the edge of the river.
Feel your raft gently bump against the shore, signaling the end to this part of your journey. Take a moment to thank the river for its guidance and support.
Begin to bring your awareness back, deepening your breath, wiggling your fingers and your toes, gently stretching your full body.
When you're ready, opening your eyes.
Thank you for joining me. I invite you to check out my blog post associated with this meditation by clicking the link in the podcast's description. And remember to subscribe and follow for a new Five Minute Fix meditation each week.
From Five Minute Fix: Meditation with Stacey Paige: #015: lean in and go WITH the flow, Jun 21, 2024
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