When I was a kid, I remember my parents always talking about how fast time was going by. We'd be sitting at the dinner table, on vacation, or caught up in some meaningful family moment, and they'd inevitably look my way and say, "Just wait, you'll see - time moves faster the older you get."
Just as inevitably, I would roll my eyes so hard it's a wonder they didn't get stuck. Back then, summer breaks felt endless, the school year dragged on forever, and my parents seemed like beings from another planet.
Time? I had all of it, stretched out infinitely before me.
Fast forward to now, and, well - I sound just like them.
I catch myself saying the same thing to anyone who will listen. Wasn't it just March? How is it already the holidays again??
I used to think my parents were just being dramatic, but now I realize - they were right. (Side note: Oh, how many things I can say this about!)
The truth is, as we get older, we develop a sharper awareness of our mortality. We know our time here isn't infinite. And with that awareness comes a heightened sensitivity to how we spend it.
It's not just about time speeding up, it's about the realization that how we use it matters more than ever.
But life doesn't make it easy to stay intentional, does it? There are obligations pushing us in a million directions, the noise of "hustle culture" telling us we need to fill every second with productivity, and the many meaningless ways we can find to distract ourselves.
It's easy to let the days blur together, and to go through the motions without asking ourselves if the way we're spending our time aligns with what really matters.
As the year comes to a close, I invite you to reflect on where your time and energy have gone this year:
Is it aligned with the intentions you set or the vision you captured in January?
Are there areas where you're overcommitting?
Are there projects, endeavors or people that are draining you, instead of filling you up?
Take stock, not with judgement, but with curiosity and compassion.
And then ask yourself: How do I want to finish this year? Is there anything that needs to be completed, resolved or let go of, so I can enter into 2025 clear, energized and focused?
Time may feel like it's flying by, but maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that awareness of how fleeting life is, is what makes it so precious. And maybe, just maybe, it's what pushes us to live fully, deeply and intentionally.
Click below to tune in and meditate with this week's Five Minute Fix Guided Meditation: Clearing the Slate for a Powerful New Year 🎉