Imagine this.
You've always loved gorgeous, flowering gardens, and now you've decided to create the garden of your dreams. You spend hours choosing the perfect flowers, plants, and shrubs to bring your vision to life.
As you plant the seeds, maybe sprinkling in a few starter plants and established shrubs, you're buzzing with excitement for what's to come. 🌺
One day, while tending your garden, you notice a weed.
No big deal, you think, and pluck it out.
The next day, you see another weed. You pull that one out too, but now it's starting to get annoying.
By day three, when you spot even more weeds, your frustration takes over. 😠
Suddenly, you're so focused on battling the weeds that you miss the flowers blooming and the plants thriving all around you.
Eventually, your dream garden becomes a battlefield: you versus the weeds. 🤺

And those beautiful plants you worked so hard to grow? They're left neglected, wilting without your care. All your attention on the weeds has produced - surprise! - even more weeds.
It's the same with your life.
What you focus on, grows.
And this is truth applies to every area of your life.
If we pour all our energy into what’s going wrong - the problems, the doubts, the frustrations - we actually amplify those struggles.
Conversely, when we focus on what is working, we fuel that energy, allowing it to expand and thrive.
For example, if you want to have more abundance in your life but continually fixate on your debt, you'll keep attracting experiences of lack.
If you desire a romantic relationship but dwell on past heartbreaks, you'll recreate the same dynamic.
Instead, shift your focus. Look at where abundance already exists in your life and celebrate it. Appreciate the healthy relationships you have. Focus on the blessings you might take for granted: close friends, access to a computer or your phone, the internet - tools that connect you to opportunities and people.
By simply paying attention to what's thriving, you naturally and effortlessly elevate your energy to align with what you want.
When you shift your focus to what's working, you strengthen your connection to the life you're consciously building.
If you're ready to take that first step, click for the meditation I've created for you: A Simple Shift: Momentum for Your Best Life.
And if you know someone who could benefit from this blog or meditation, feel free to share it with them. It might be exactly what they need to hear.
Mindful Moments Five Minute Fix Guided Meditation #46: A Simple Shift: Momentum for Your Best Life 🌟