Have you ever had a goal, a dream, or a vision so vivid that it practically sparkled in your mind - but you didn't take the leap because you couldn't imagine how it would possibly happen? 🤔
Perhaps you started towards it and then quickly gave up, or maybe you never even began, thinking the obstacles were simply insurmountable. If this sounds familiar, I assure you, you're not alone.
But what if I told you that the best thing you can do when your desire is strong but you have no idea how it could happen - is to let it go. I don't mean give up on it ever happening - I mean, don't concern yourself with how it's going to happen. Instead, turn the "how" over to the Universe, and trust the Universe to work it out for you.
Now granted, that can be easier said than done. Especially if you're like me and tend to be a bit of a controller, reasoning that you need to make things happen. But think about it. When you turn what you want over to the Universe, you’re not just tossing your dreams into the void and hoping for the best. You’re entrusting them to the same intelligence that orchestrates the stars, grows the trees, and keeps our hearts beating without a second thought about it from us. This intelligence, this wisdom, has a way of aligning things perfectly - often beyond our human understanding, which as much as we may hate to admit, is limited. 😳
One of my favorite memories to reflect on when I need a reminder of the power of letting go is my Sundance Film Festival story. At the time I was living in Los Angeles pursuing an acting career. I'd just completed work on a great independent film, stoking the fire to attend the upcoming Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. I wanted to network, immerse myself in screenings, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere.
But - small catch. The event was a week away. Every reasonably priced place to stay - reasonably priced being a requirement of my struggling actor budget - was booked out months in advance. And even if I had a place to stay, last minute flights were outrageously expensive. Plus, I had no one to go with.
Logically, it seemed pretty much impossible, so I let the dream go. Not because I was wise enough to understand the spiritual principle of surrender, but because it seemed so utterly out of reach I knew there was nothing I could do. 🤷🏻♀️
Then - cue the Universe 🎬 - the magic happened.
There was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Abbe, a friend of mine who lived two floors down in the same building. She was also pursuing a career in the film business, on the production side. Abbe told me that her aunt and uncle had just finished building their house in Park City (yes, the Park City where the festival was happening!). They invited her to stay there for the duration of the festival - and, by the way, she was welcome to bring a friend. Abbe, hating to fly, was planning to drive there. Did I want to go with her?
In an instant, my dream, which had seemed so impossible I didn't even attempt to make it come true, was happening. All the obstacles that had felt insurmountable vanished. I had what turned out to be an amazing place to stay, far more beautiful and picturesque than I ever could ever have imagined - and for free no less - someone with similar aspirations to go with, and a fun, affordable way to get there.
Though unintentional, by releasing the need to control every detail and accepting that things were out of my hands, I had opened the door for the Universe to step in and work its magic. 🪄
I learned a monumental lesson: when you have a dream that feels insurmountable, don't get bogged down by the "how."
Imagine trying to solve a complex puzzle without seeing the full picture on the box. That’s us, struggling with the “how” of our dreams. But the Universe? It sees the entire picture and knows exactly where each piece fits. When you let go and hand over your desires, you’re allowing this boundless intelligence to do it's thing.
Next time you find yourself holding back from a dream because you can't see how it could possibly happen, remember my Sundance story. Release the need to control every aspect, trust in the Universe, and be open to the possibilities. You might be surprised at how things fall into place when you least expect it. 💫
Click below for this week's Five Minute Fix meditation: Turn your dreams over to the Universe, and expect the unexpected 🙌🏻