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Writer's pictureStacey Paige

Living in Infinite Abundance: Shifting from Limitation to Overflow

During a four day leadership conference in San Diego, a small group of women I had become close with and I, decided to have dinner together at the end of the third day.

As we shared our thoughts on how self-limiting beliefs had gradually turned into deeply ingrained "programs" in our lives, Jessica, one of the women, shared a poignant story.

She recalled a time when she was a little girl sitting in the back seat of the car, daydreaming about all the things she could buy if she had a million dollars. She excitedly shared with her mom, "When I grow up, I'm going to buy a huge house with a BIG pool that has the coolest winding waterslide!!! I'm going to have a pony, a bedroom JUST for my stuffed animals, and get ALL the toys I want!!!!"

Her mom caught her eye in the rear-view mirror and smiled, "Well, that sounds lovely honey, but money doesn't grow on trees you know."

In other words, money is scarce, hard to come by and something you work endlessly for.

In that moment, her childhood dreams of abundance became clouded by this subtle idea of lack.

As Jessica was peeling back the layers in her mind with us, she recalled many other variations of the same phrase she'd heard growing up:

❌ "We can't afford that."

❌ "You need to be realistic."

❌ "Artists don't make money. You need a sensible job."

She discovered that those simple statements, none delivered with malicious intent, had buried themselves deep in her mind. Without even realizing it, she had begun to adopt ideas about money that were rooted in lack and limitation. These beliefs shaped her views on wealth, career and her own ability for financial success.

We continued the discussion throughout dinner. Jessica is not alone. Whether through our parents, the media or society, the belief in lack and limitation is something most of us have absorbed.

It's a deeply ingrained narrative that tells us we need to hustle and fight to get what we need and want. And it feels so real!

But here's the thing. It's not real. It's simply a belief - a belief that's based in fear and conditioning, but not in truth.

It's not how the Universe works.

The truth is, abundance is always available to each and every one of us. We just have a tendency of "getting in the way."

When you want more of something in your life, be it love, money, opportunities or anything else, it's not about begging, cajoling or bargaining with the Universe to give it to you.

Instead, it's about releasing the thoughts, ideas and behaviors that are rooted in the belief of lack and limitation. No matter how hard you work, if you believe you will never have enough of something, you will never have enough of something. The more you release, the more you allow.

Think about it. The Universe by it's very nature is abundant.

The trees don't strain to grow.

The sun doesn't struggle to shine.

Rivers don't fight to flow.

They simply exist in their fullness with no resistance - allowing the steady flow of what is needed to thrive.

The same flow applies to us.

By the very nature of who we are, we are connected to an infinite supply of love, creativity and opportunities.

The key is to get out of our way.

The Universe is always responding to our energy. By letting go of thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviors that have their roots in lack and limitation, we allow that infinite supply to flow through us with ease.

I invite you to click below for this week's Five Minute Fix Guided Meditation #27: Living in Infinite Abundance: Shifting from Limitation to Overflow.

Remember, abundance is your birthright. It's not something you have to work to earn, nor is it reserved for just a special few.

As you release the limiting beliefs that have held you back, you'll notice a powerful shift into co-creating with the Universe from a place of infinite supply and opportunity.

It's time to let go of old stories, recognize that abundance is all around you, and step in to the flow.


Five Minute Fix Guided Meditation #27: Living in Infinite Abundance: Shifting from Limitation to Overflow 🌟

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